Good morning.

Not only was I at this show, but I actually sat with Trey & Tom & Todd (and maybe Brad?) in a bar before this show. We drank absinthe and smoked hash. It’s long story about how we all got to that table… but suffice to say I know Trey was getting weird that day. Not saying it ruined the show for me (after all how often do you get free production tickets to a show in Prague?) but I did get on a train the next day and left town back to Italy.

Do not see night two, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Here’s to free parking and absinthe and hashish in one of the world’s coolest towns). Hard to comprehend this was actually 25 years ago today.

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Rob if you want to hear the entire story pm me.

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Interesting — I always figured the 7/6 show was "too many notes." But you're right based on timeline it's most likely this night. Although it's at night, which makes me think it's either post-show or on a night off, it's possible the shoot was on 7/4 they arrived in Prague and went on a walk with the film crew. "So how'd you like that *set* last night, Mike" — referring to the 7/4 show. Parsing words here...I know, set can certainly sub for show for the band. Although also...are we sure this scene is even in Prague and not Barcelona?

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Good point. It looks like Prague to me when Trey runs outside with his new whip, but I've never been to Barcelona. I think it's fair to say that Trey played a lot of notes both nights in Prague (with varying results), so it could apply to either. Or maybe it was the festival set, but I imagine they forgot that one existed the second they left the stage.

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