Great stuff, Rob. I've been looking forward to your thoughts on this for a few years.

The ambient set was the first tape I got, back in the B&P days of RMP. Not exactly the most accessible or accurate entry point, but it didn't turn me off the band. Twenty-five years later, I listen to it a lot along with the great ambient mixes on YouTube, and I listen to Music for Airports several times a week.

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Nice write-up on the “ambient” jam but I think people, like this review, are guilty of overlooking the Gumbo>Sanity>Tweezer. Spectacular Gumbo followed by one of the best/coolest/most surprising segues ever into Sanity. Sanity also has a Floyd-ish vibe to it. Highlight of the festival for me and deserves way more credit.

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I touch on it tomorrow!

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